Why a 12-Panel Drug Test is Essential for Safety?

Companies must take all the due precaution before recruiting their employees, because they will stay in a company for a significant duration and will be responsible for productivity. One of the important things is screening their probable employees for drugs. Failing to do so could lead to unwanted issues like workplace accidents and increasing claims on worker compensation.

As a result, administering a drug test prior to employment is now required.

In the drug testing, the following biological specimens are checked:

  • Urine
  • Saliva
  • Blood
  • Hair.

These days a 12-panel drug test is often employed in the company as it is found to be comprehensive screening method to screen out many types of illegal drugs.

Let us discuss in this post onwhat does a 12 panel drug test test for? You can get all support fromDrugTestKitUSA getting the drug test done in your company.

The following are the two facts that you cannot deny at all.

1) There is an increase in failed drug tests

As per the data obtained between the years 2015 and 2018, after conducting drug test on employees, there is substantial increase in drug addicts (almost 34.5%). Other sectors with rising failed tests include wholesale (20%) and construction (13%).

These industries often have safety-sensitive roles with strict drug testing guidelines. If the people working there happen to be addicted to drug or alcohol then the business can be greatly affected.

If there are addicted employees in the company then it will be a great safety hazard not only for them but also to other employees working in the organization.

2) Companies have to bear the cost of substance abuse of their workers

As per the data revealed by the NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse) that most businesses in the USA lost almost in tune of $740 billion on the following expenses just because of drug addition of the employees:

  • Productivity loss
  • Expenses for healthcare
  • Crime-related cost
  • Accidents.

If workers get injured and meet accidents at a regular interval within the work premises then the atmosphere also becomes vicious.

No amount of regular drug testing can totally eliminate the number of addicted employees. Hence, there is a need for education in the company so that employees remain free from such addiction.

What is a 12-panel drug screening test?

The 12-panel drug screening test is a novel technique for testing for drugs that has emerged recently. It is intended to identify the presence of 12 significant and dangerous drugs. Therefore, most businesses think that this type of test can be ideal for their business.

The basic purpose of conducting this test is:

  • Meet the legal requirement
  • Reduce medical compensation
  • Making the working atmosphere safe
  • Identify the illicit drugs used by the employees.

History and evolution

Over the years, the science behind the drug testing has also improved a lot. A few years back, any drug test could only detect a few drugs. However, with the technological advancement, far greater number of drugs can be identified.

This new 12-panel drug test is a result of various research and development in this field.
